Welcome to the website of the Chair of Quantitative Methods in Economics!
On this website you will find information about the research activities and teaching offered by Professor Paul and her team. Please also note Marie Paul’s external research web side.
We investigate research questions in the areas of labor, health, and education economics. A keen interest in state-of-the art econometric methods and a fascination for the scientific use of process generated data features our research. Some of our current projects are listed here.
We offer our own courses for bachelor, master and doctoral students as well as courses organized jointly with other chairs. Topics include econometrics, macroeconomics and labor economics.
Students are welcome to write their bachelor and master theses in the fields of labor, education, health, and gender economics as well as in econometrics. Further information on writing a thesis at QMW can be found here.
Your Team QMW

MSM Breaking News:
- Orientierungsangebot für neue BWL-Masterstudierende13.02.25
- Orientierungsangebot für neue WiPäd-Masterstudierende13.02.25
- ada-Zukunftsstipendium: Ideelle Förderung für Studierende aus dem Ruhrgebiet11.02.25
- Operations Research TutorInnen für das SS 2025 gesucht10.02.25
Workshops und Veranstaltungen zu Stipendien07.02.25