Sommersemester 23


Econometrics (Master) - Exercise Sessions

Summer Semester 2023
Gruppe 1: 10:15-11:45 Uhr oder Gruppe 2: 14:15-15:45 Uhr
LC 134


Detaillierte und laufend aktualisierte Informationen finden Sie im Kursraum Econometrics (Summer Term 2023) auf Moodle.

Die Teilnahme an einer Präsenzveranstaltung erfordert eine Anmeldung über Moodle.

Learning Targets:

The exercise sessions go along with the lecture throughout the semester and they build on what you have learned during the lecture. The content of the lecture as well as the content of the exercise sessions are relevant for the exam. Both in the winter as well as in the summer term a team consisting of several people from different econ chairs teach the exercise sessions. 


During the lecture you have studied the linear regression model and further econometric methods. You have learned how the estimators are derived, which assumptions are needed, which difficulties may arise in particular situa­tions and you have already seen many examples. In the excercise sessions we will move on to apply the methods to real data. We will also present you solutions of additional theoretical and applied problems in a conventional way.

Using real (though small) data sets we will study a number of examples to see how econometric methods can be applied to study questions from different fields of economics and management. We will apply the widely-used statistical software Stata. In the exercise eessions we show you how to prepare the data, how to run estimations and, most importantly, how to interpret your re­sults. This will enable you to do a (simple) empirical study on your own, for ex­ample for your Master thesis. Furthermore, you will improve your ability to un­derstand empirical literature.  Of course both the conventional as well as the real data problems also provide important training for the exam.